Why Winter Is the Perfect Time for Restful Goal-Setting

Why Winter Is the Perfect Time for Restful Goal-Setting

Struggling to Set Goals? Here’s Why You’re Perfectly on Track

If goal-setting feels harder than usual right now, take a deep breath because babes, you’re not alone, and more importantly, you’re not doing anything wrong. The truth is, this time of year isn’t designed for action-packed productivity.

Winter is a time for rest, reflection, and quiet planning, here’s why that’s actually a good thing and how you can make the most of it.

The Winter Solstice and Your Goal-Setting: A Perfect Match

In nature, winter is a time of stillness and restoration, it’s a moment when the sun appears to stand still, marking a turning point for longer, brighter days ahead.

Your menstrual cycle also mirrors this perfectly during your period, often referred to as your Inner Winter. It’s a time to turn inward, reflect, and recharge. Your body is at its lowest energy point, and your hormones (particularly oestrogen and progesterone) have dipped, inviting you to slow down and tune into your deepest self.

Knowing the above, you'll see why this really isn’t the season for hustle or detailed action plans. It’s for planting seeds, those big, dreamy ideas that will bloom in the energetic seasons of spring and summer.

Why Rest Matters for Goal-Setting Success

Skipping rest during winter (or your period) is like planting seeds in frozen soil, it’s not the right environment for growth. By resting and reflecting now, you’re preparing yourself for the energetic burst that comes with spring and summer.

Rest and introspection during this time allow you to:

  1. Let Go of What’s Not Serving You: Use this quiet phase to release old habits, fears, or patterns that no longer align with where you want to go.
  2. Reconnect with Your Inner Vision: This is a time to dream big without worrying about the details or logistics.
  3. Replenish Your Energy: By honouring your need for rest, you’re recharging your physical, mental, and emotional reserves.

How to Align Your Goal-Setting with Winter’s Energy

Here are some practical ways to honor this slower, reflective season while still setting yourself up for success:

  1. Focus on High-Level Visioning
    Instead of diving into detailed action plans, spend time imagining your bigger picture. What are the overarching themes or feelings you want to bring into your life?

  2. Embrace Journaling
    Write down what’s worked for you in the past year and what hasn’t. What are you ready to release? What do you want to call in? Journaling prompts like “What would my dream life look like?” or “What am I ready to let go of?” can be helpful.

  3. Prioritise Rest and Gentle Self-Care
    Take naps, read a good book, or simply enjoy some time doing nothing. Resting now ensures you’ll have the energy you need when spring comes around.

  4. Set Flexible Intentions
    Instead of rigid resolutions, create intentions that feel expansive and adaptable. For example, “I want to feel more energised and fulfilled in my work” leaves room for different paths to unfold.

The Seasons of Your Menstrual Cycle

Understanding how your menstrual cycle aligns with the seasons can help you work with, rather than against, your natural rhythms:

  • Inner Winter (Menstruation): Rest and reflection. A time for releasing and recharging.
  • Inner Spring (Follicular Phase): Fresh energy and new ideas. Ideal for starting projects.
  • Inner Summer (Ovulation): Peak energy and outward expression. Great for collaboration and bold action.
  • Inner Autumn (Luteal Phase): Slowing down and tying up loose ends. A time for preparation and completion.

Ready to Embrace Cyclical Living?

If you’re curious about aligning your life with your menstrual cycle, I’ve created tools and resources to help you get started. From essential oils to seasonal self-care kits, explore how living cyclically can help you feel more balanced and empowered.

Browse Cyclical Self-Care Products

By honouring Winter, you’re not just surviving this season, you’re building a foundation for thriving in the months to come. Rest, dream, and trust the process.

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